Saturday 9 June 2012

The Monologue

(It's nearly two in the morning and the darkness is intense. It seems obvious that everyone is deep in their sleep, but not her. Let's call her 'K'. For the past two hours she is trying to conquer the terrible insomnia, but alas! she's failing! She is pressing her eyes tight frowning. Beside the bed there is a table, which shelters her book, phone and an alarm clock. She has set the clock, because she plans to go for jogging early in the morning. There is a big floor length window on her right, which holds white curtains. Besides the window is a mannequin, that not-so-proudly wears her latest design! It's a full sleeved LBD with, which should have been fringed bottom, but looks like the thread of the dress coming out! On the floor there is a line of shoes, of different shapes and sizes. They look okay but old! Suddenly the alarm beeps! It's too loud! She groans and wakes up lazily and takes the clock in her hand and makes an angry noise, because it's just two! She starts to think angrily!)
Dammit! Dammit! (sighs)Now, I am never going to that jogging am I?! (she throws the clock and falls back on bed, wide awake now) I am so angry!!! arghh....Sleep where are you?! I did work my apetite for you! I did so many chores, walked everywhere and yet....(sighs and looks at her dress on the dummy, another sigh) That dress is so ruined! Why do I even try!? The deadline is in three weeks and out of four dresses, I have only managed to make two, one is so simple, that I am so sure she ain't gonna have a second look, and this one....I will give it a last try!
(She wakes up, puts on the light, pulls her hair back and walks to the mannequin and starts adjusting, when suddenly there is a soft tap on the window/door. She is not scared but is intrigued. She opens the window and peeps, no-one, but a pair of Alexandro Ingalmo's 'magic' shoes)
Wow!(she opens the door quickly and grabs them and not so far away, is a pair of Philip Lim lying away!) OMG! this is worth being an insomniac! wow wow wow! Oh god ! please let this be magic and not some illusion.....
(The alarm beeps piercingly loud) What the hell! ( She looks at the clock, it's six in the morning and just the time for jogging. She takes a long sigh and looks around, yes it was an illusion afterall!)

P.S The character, set and events are all purely fictional, any resemblance to person living or dreaming is just a co-incident. I want these shoes so bad

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